Cool White Bouquet
The Cool White Bouquet is a refined and minimalist arrangement featuring a variety of white blooms. Crafted by our Master Florists, it’s perfect for those who appreciate understated elegance and purity in floral design. Made for a lower price point while maintaining the high quality of our flowers, it’s designed to fit perfectly in a secure box, ensuring it arrives in pristine condition. An ideal option for those seeking affordable luxury.
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Size Guide
To ensure your flowers stay fresh and beautiful for as long as possible, follow these simple care instructions:
- Prepare the Stems: Remove any leaves or foliage that will be submerged in water to prevent bacterial growth and contamination.
- Cut the Stems: Trim the stems at a 45° angle using a sharp knife or scissors. This helps the flowers absorb water more efficiently.
- Use Fresh Water: Place the flowers in a clean vase with fresh, lukewarm water. Avoid using tap water that may contain impurities.
- Positioning: Keep the vase in a cool area away from direct sunlight, heaters, or drafts to avoid wilting and prolong freshness.
- Change the Water: Replace the water every 2-3 days to keep the flowers hydrated and free from bacteria.
- Petal Care: Some flowers may have protective outer petals. Gently remove these after the flowers have settled to reveal their full beauty.
By following these steps, you can enjoy the vibrant and long-lasting beauty of your flowers.
- What sizes are available for this bouquet?
This bouquet comes in multiple sizes: Elegant, Grande, and Deluxe. Please refer to the SIZE GUIDE image for specific dimensions and options. - How long will these flowers last?
With proper care, these flowers typically stay fresh for 7–10 days. For best results, place them in a cool area, change the water daily, and trim the stems. - Are delivery options limited for this bouquet?
Delivery options may vary. Please check the delivery note on this page to confirm whether London 3-hour, same-day, next-day, or Nationwide delivery is available for this item. - What will happen if a specific flower is unavailable?
In the event a flower is out of stock, our florists will substitute it with a similar bloom to maintain the bouquet's style and color palette. We’ll reach out if a major substitution is needed. - Can I request specific flowers?
While we use a curated selection for each design, you can contact us to discuss possible customisations or bespoke arrangements We’ll do our best to accommodate special requests.
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